Barrow Island: Western Australia
Derek Gee Installations Pty Ltd worked on the Gorgon LNG Project on Barrow Island, Western Australia from March 2013 until June 2017, working with our Clients; Leighton Contractors / CPB Contractors, Thiess, CKJV (CB&I Kentz JV), CB&I Tanks and Sarplast.
DGI were back on Barrow Island in 2018, working for UGL on the repair of the fire water mains, hypochlorite and RO lines.
50 Kilometres and 5000 joints of piping
Employing up to 150 people on site, we have been involved with pipe pre-spooling and installation of the 50 kilometres and 5,000 joints of both Sarplast and NOV-FGS (Ameron) GRVE/GRE piping. Upon completion of the GRVE scope we were awarded the internal fit out of over 1,200 Firewater Valve pits and Class 1 & 2 Manholes and Valve pits, which included Valve Installation and internal furniture fit out.
In addition to this, we were involved in electrical cable pulling, hydro testing, crane co-ordination, flange management and supply of operators, trade assistants and mechanical fitters. We also supplied fully accredited D5 GRE/GRVE Pipe Fitter Bonder Supervisors and D6 GRE/GRVE Pipe Fitter Bonder Inspectors (ISO 14692-4).
Completed with Zero Environmental Impact
With Barrow Island being a Class A Nature Reserve, we have been successful in completing all works with zero environmental impact incidents, thanks to the dedicated effort of all our employees. Class A reserves have the greatest degree of protection to maintain and protect indigenous flora and fauna and areas of high conservation of community value. Barrow Island is considered one of the most important conservation reserves in Western Australia.
Project Background
The Gorgon LNG Project is a natural gas project consisting of 3 LNG trains, each capable of producing a nominal capacity of five million tonnes per annum.
LNG and condensate, initially stored in onshore tanks, will be offloaded from a 2100m jetty onto LNG carriers and oil tankers, for delivery to overseas customers. Natural gas for domestic use will be exported by a 70 km subsea pipeline to the mainland, for transmission to local customers.